Oil painting is a technique in which the pigments are dissolved and mixed in linseed oil and then applied usually on canvas with acrilic gesso preparation (ready made canvas) or paper, through a series of successive glazes.
It is preferable for participants to present themselves to the lesson with the image of the work or detail of the work they intend to copy.In this class you will learn how to:
– Drawing and cardboard preparation.
– Dusting (spolvero) or use of carbon paper on canvas or paper previously prepared with a glaze of color diluted with turpentine.
– Underpainting layer in monochrome starting from dark to light with burnt amber diluted with turpentine (grisaille).
– Preparation of different color gradations.
– Body colors put from dark to light one next to the other and blended with a clean brush.
– Details and finishes.
- Soft flat brushes DA VINCI or similar 2/6/8/16 (pennelli)
- One ready made canvas 35×50 cm (tela misura 35×50 cm)
- Odoreless thinner solvent 125 ml (solvente inodore)
- Quick dry Medium (olio essiccante)
- 1 palette block (tavolozza per mescolare i colori)
- 1 painting knife (spatola da pittura)
- 2 glass jars 100 ml (2 bicchieri)
- Basic colors for oil painting (colori primari):
- Classic MAIMERI o PEBEO 20 ml: white titanium, red medium (cadmium), primary blue, primary red (magenta), primary yellow, burnt umber (terra d’ombra bruciata), ochre (ocra), burnt Sienna (Terra di Siena
please contact online@accademiadarte.net for schedule availability